"Персонажи вселенной, явно рисованные с русских, описываются с явной симпатией. Например, одного из верховных инквизиторов Империума зовут Федор Карамазов. Куда смотрят наши правозащитники, вообще неясно, ведь во вселенной WH40К есть планета Stalinvast." Oper.ru about Warhammer 40k .
28 May 2009
26 May 2009
MOVIE ...And Justice for All

Forget about Hollywood actor Al Pacino watch em as lawyer. One of the best Court movies or movies about our Justice system (We have two Judges here-one with sexual perversions and thought that Trial is a cure and second good -seems irish -one who always tryin to commit suicide unusual ways) of the best Al Pacino roles and and plus shoten not in NYC :-)
Memorable scenes: When frustrated lawyer goin nuts and bombin Court visitors/stuff with PLATES.
When Lawyer gets into Prison celell for sometime
Judge eatin lunch sitin in cornice
Helicopter ride with "counted limit of fuel"
FINAL INCREDIBLE Scene-really one why that you shoud look movie- AlPacino's speech while Court session... Thats something.
25 May 2009
24 May 2009

Closer to the end of the year ABC channel announcing remake or probubly totally new version of impressive early 80's TV saga(25 place on theThe Sci-Fi Best shows)about Alien invaders

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- "Yeah, well, I'm going to go build my own theme park. With black and hookers. In fact, forget the park."