27 June 2009


MOVIE KOREA Tae Guk Gi - The Brotherhood of War

But why that moviemakers all over the World up two mix melodrama with horrible fight scenes? I think they have own cinematographic/artists rules-using contrast maybe-for me it's just a break to grab another can of tea ;-).
Anyway that movie about Korean Civil or by truly point of view SUvs.US war usin that nation made by the same level and somtime better than any Hollywood, australian Gallipoli, russian Чистилище, finnish Talvisotta or german Stalingrad-we all have a terrible legacy of War.
Dont be foolin by kinda bored melodramatic start, it worth all war scenes and final close-in combat SLAUGHTER.
Very pacific movie-showin that War most terrible thing that can happen and what it make to the ordinary people (Hey...sometime i catch myself by thinking that politics is Aliens really have no families no human emotions anyway all wars in past and that century not for Living Supply Stuff, but for somebody'sIdeology vs. anybody think their ideas are stupid etc.)
Enjoy watchin' it perfectly made South Korean war-epic.
For flew melodramatic mood in action movie ☻☻☻☺☺
War scenes ☻☻☻☻☻+☺☺☺☺☺ extra.


26 June 2009

MUZI{Q} Ambient Experience Reggae

One of the best tunes, best as originals. REALaxin summer Positive. Diggin all the web, but can't find info.
Seems that's the name of the project AMBIENT EXPERIENCE with dreamy female vocals.


25 June 2009

MUZI{Q} The Kumba Mela Experiment East Of The River Ganges PSY DUB

"Ahh yes, Ethno-Ambient-Trance-Dub-Groove™.How else to describe this extremely satisfying exploration into the space where electricity meets organics to produce consciousness, featuring players from The Orb, Suns of Arqa, Tangerine Dream, Dreadzone & even psychic fruitcake Uri Geller?"Dimm. Well nobody's describe it better.

22 June 2009

MUZI{Q} Laika

One of the sexiest vocals of course female and she's of course from England named Margaret Fiedler, plus male musician(sometime couple) producer/engineer Guy Fixen founded in '93 kinda band playin kinda electronic trip-hop(actually its wider-sometime sound close to ambient, sometime to britpop) or something and call it after first astronaut dog LAIKA.

First full LP record happen in far twentieth centyry's 1995
Then the second comes right from the space in '97

And with new era 2000 comes the third album and brought together everything that Laika love : strong drum grooves, melodic bass, bluesy/rap lyrics, ...
Very nice design much recognized by soviet residents of '60-70's era taken from Ducat Cigarettes and rethinked not for tobacco but for Tunes warning note in russian translated as "Healtcare Department of USSR warn: Music is good for your health" :-)

Mostly enjoyable for myself Record with kinda ambient sound was released in 03'
For the moment no new records, but here comes good Double Cd compilation: first of it contains tracks from all studio Cd's (kinda the best) and second is remixes.


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"Yeah, well, I'm going to go build my own theme park. With black and hookers. In fact, forget the park."