30 December 2012

MOVIE Sophia Loren+Marcello Mastroianni

Ieri, oggi, domani           Wiki 
Matrimonio all'italiana   Wiki 

Both by Italian (and of course also Worldwide) classic DIRECTOR Vittorio De Sica

MUZI{Q}=PROG Archive



17 December 2012

MOVIE The World According To Garp


Based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_world_according_to_garp
Some books we just cannot accept. I was starting to read that novel couple years ago, but seems there should be a proper time and/or place for that kinda experience and I dont finish it-not because it's bored or unnatural-just as i say tiem/place. Should be continue reading.
 Anyway movie is perfect. Best Robin Williams play.

14 December 2012


WISHLIST Knife Басмач мини by НОКС

SERIE(R.I.P.) Bored to Death

The title like the warning -don't go there, but we all like to disobey(of course when others dont stare). And in the case of that HBO Show that warning totally work it out. ONE Jewish humor SECOND NYC and some of Jersey of course THIRD Actors and cameos.
FOURTH Shit I'm bored to type, check it out by yourself and in worth case scenario just BORED TO DEATH.

MOVIE >Made in England> HORROR

 English...but proper(-)) clone of american horror gore cult like Chainsaw and modern Chainsaw's clones like -ya know Rob Zombie's I forget the name.British landscapes, language, redn...oops peasants(-)). Hour and half pints worth it ;-)

What can I say-nothing-title speak for itself. Beware a huge amount of flesh-hungry and just  cockneys spiced by their humor.



MUZI{Q} Butthole Surfers Hairway To Steven (1988)

08 November 2012

31 October 2012

MOVIE Chernobyl Diaries

Don't go there ( because of Crapppyyyy CRAP!)

HOORAY, IT'S A Halloween

24 September 2012


  Sad thing after you realize that true-grit-men out-of-business but men "call my name"(Spielberg in filmaking or McCartney in music) continue doing their JOB as well you get straight felling THERE NO JUSTICE IN THE WORLD!
For whom  i talk is NYborn JEW comedymaker (I bet nobody doubt  that they and englishmen doing Loughs on our faces pretty excellent) MEL BROOKS.
 He's retired now at least from Directors chair(voiced or producers job don't count for me)
Last movie Dracula:dead and loving it was released in previous century.

23 August 2012

MOVIE The Dictator

RADIO Digitally Imported - Electronic & Dance Music 24/7


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Official webpage: http://www.mortenveland.com/sirenia/index.php?id=5

 2001 At Sixes and Sevens

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At_Sixes_and_Sevens
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UURC8enxoPHLsK8SxH1ug9uQ&v=V_QlVdPVr-8&feature=player_detailpage

2003 An Elixir For Existence

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Elixir_for_Existence
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UURC8enxoPHLsK8SxH1ug9uQ&v=25e04q4Y8MI

2004 Sirenian shores

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirenian_Shores
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UURC8enxoPHLsK8SxH1ug9uQ&v=yMHB5tAVSkE

2007  Nine Destinies and a Downfall

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_Destinies_and_a_Downfall
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UURC8enxoPHLsK8SxH1ug9uQ&v=OThda_1P2jI

2008 The Path to Decay

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Path_to_Decay

2009 The 13th Floor

Wiki:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_13th_Floor_%28album%29

2010  The Enigma of Life

 Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Enigma_of_Life
 Listen Online: http://vbox7.com/play:a052617ef3&al=2&vid=13006923

Discography  MP3 320 Torrent  http://www.rutor.org/torrent/129220/sirenia-diskografija-2002-2011-mp3


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"Yeah, well, I'm going to go build my own theme park. With black and hookers. In fact, forget the park."